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“Richard is a deep coach.”
Ellen Singer MD

Richard is highly empathetic and warm, sincere, generous, naturally collaborative by nature, and quick to laugh.  His background revolves around servant leadership, training, and mentoring across a wide range of professional settings, from emergency medical services to marketing, operations, and experiential education. He has a creative, multifaceted approach in coaching; all enhanced by a 30+ year study of behavioral science, neuroscience, and meditative traditions.


Richard displays an uncommon combination of naturally high EQ and a sharp, engineer’s brain – he’s an intricate, thorough thinker. He has a knack for helping untangle the complexities of our inner worlds; helping create actionable, structured projects from what can seem enigmatic.


Three principles led Richard to coaching:


Our inner world determines our success and fulfillment.


Servant leadership:

Greater success and impact always come through lifting and empowering those around you.


Each person’s uniqueness is their strength:

To maximize their strength work through, with, and for their uniqueness.


Richard grew up in Michigan and has been Northside Bostonian for over 25 years. He’s a lover of everything outdoors, a sailor, a woodworker, and a wannabe guitarist.


“Richard’s passion for coaching and for evoking transformation in his clients is immense. It is such a pleasure to be coached by him and feel his deep presence and intention for you as a human. He has such a gentle and honest way of holding you through a coaching session. I feel deeply seen and held as his client.”

-Sarah Penfold

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